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How to lower boiler pressure without bleeding radiators


Controlling the pressure of a boiler is a vital task that is unavoidable. The boiler pressure must always remain between bars of 1 to 2. But what happens when there is an increase in pressure? Can you lower the boiler pressure? And the answer to this is a big yes. Let’s go in-depth to answer the question of how to lower boiler pressure without bleeding radiators. Although every boiler comes with a pressure-release valve, is it wise to rely entirely on it? Sometimes, relying completely on relief valves can put you in a lot of trouble.

Even though you might think everything is functioning properly and there is nothing to worry about, you may face some issues. The most common one among them is a jammed or faulty relief valve. Hence, checking the pressure bar and managing the boiler pressure whenever necessary is always wise. On the contrary, have you ever wondered about going for a boiler service London once a year? If that is something you never bother about then it’s high time you did. Check out our homepage for more details.

Boiler Servicing and Maintenance

We believe that your safety and the safety of your home is of utmost importance during a boiler service or any other gas appliance-related work. Our customer-first approach is what has allowed us to build up a stellar reputation over the last decade. The only way to ensure that your boiler or appliance is functioning efficiently and safely is with regular maintenance and professional servicing, which are usually carried out annually. There are a number of reasons to get a yearly service.


What happens if boiler pressure is too high?

You may have a plethora of questions in your head, and one such is, what happens when the boiler pressure is too high? And the answer to this is that too much pressure gives rise to many issues. The most common problems resulting from high boiler pressure are improper functioning and leakages. And undoubtedly, a leakage is nothing less than a nightmare and is the last thing you would want to see in a boiler.

Sometimes, too much pressure in boilers may also result in explosions, but that does not happen commonly. Many other things can occur due to an increase in boiler pressure. And you can always avoid a mishap by detecting early symptoms. Let’s have a look at things that usually happen when there is an increase in boiler pressure:

  • The boiler shuts down automatically. Most modern boilers have a smart build-up and would instantly turn off after the pressure crosses the normal bar. It usually happens when the pressure has crossed three in the bar.
  • You see that the pressure gauge is pointing towards the red mark. This indication means that the bar has reached a reading of 2.5 or more, which means the pressure is too high.
  • Noticing water leakages from radiators.
  • You hear sounds resembling whistles.
  • There is sudden air leakage.

Find out more about our radiator repair services in London

Increased boiler pressure

Even after considering all the safety measures, you must wonder what can increase boiler pressure. Here are some common reasons:

  • Loosened valve openings
  • Imbalanced water levels.
  • Faulty valves.
  • Rust or dust layers formed in the PRV.

Although bleeding radiators is the most common method of lowering boiler pressure, there are more simple ways. Not everyone enjoys bleeding radiators; for them, there are accessible alternatives to deal with high boiler pressure issues instantly. You can:

  • Optimising and reducing the boiler pressure timely.
  • By shutting down the system immediately, letting it cool.
  • Fixing leakages, if any.
  • Tightening valves.
  • Loosening the bleed valve, allowing it to drain

By now, you must have enough knowledge about high boiler pressures and how to deal with them. It is time to move to our next concern, low boiler pressure.

Your Local London Boiler Company

We cover all of London - from Wandsworth to Westminster and Brixton to Bromley and everywhere in between. If you’re looking for a boiler service in London then you’ve come to the right place. Boiler Solutions is one of London’s leading plumbing and heating companies.


Detecting low pressure

Sometimes, detecting low pressure at an early stage becomes a bit confusing. Which are the signs you should be looking for to detect low pressure? Let’s find out more about these symptoms:

  • The system has automatically shut down.
  • The heating process is a lot slower, or there is no heating.
  • You notice some minor leaks.
  • The radiators are not warming up.
  • You notice that the dial attached to the pressure gauge is downward or fallen.

Fixing low boiler pressure issues is no big deal. Anyone with a bit of knowledge of the system can resolve these issues. However, if you are not confident enough, plumbers are always there to help. If you would want to fix a low boiler pressure issue all by yourself, then follow these simple steps:

  • You can turn off the system and let it cool down.
  • Find out the valves and fill them with fresh water.
  • Keep filling until the pressure gauge indicates a bar of 1.5.
  • Close and tighten the valves properly
  • Restart the machine.

These simple steps followed with care will instantly fix any low boiler pressure problem. But always remember that seeking help from experts is a wise decision.

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What happens if boiler pressure is too low?

Just like extreme or high boiler pressure can result in danger, too much low pressure is also of no good. However, compared to the high boiler pressure, there is nothing to worry about low boiler pressures, and they do not cause any damage. Unlike dealing with high-pressure issues, fixing low-pressure issues are pretty simple and hassle-free. Also, read our blog about low boiler pressure symptoms you can look out for. Even though low boiler pressures are pretty common, the reason behind them can be many. Let us find out what are the most common reasons for low boiler pressure:

  • Bleeding of radiators may often lead to low boiler pressure.
  • Minor leaks in the system that you might have overlooked may result in lower pressure.
  • The water level is not appropriate. You might not have filled the system with the right amount of water required to maintain normal pressure.
  • There is a fault in your pressure relief valve.
