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How do I know when I need to replace my thermostat?


Your thermostat plays a significant role in how comfortable you feel in your own home. If the home temperature is too cold or too hot, living in your home can become unbearable and prevent you from relaxing and enjoying your living space. A functional and up-to-date thermostat is crucial for maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home. So, have you ever wondered about replacing a thermostat? If yes, you have come to the correct place because we can help you answer the question – how do I know when I need to replace my thermostat? Before we get there, though, we would like to remind you of the range of services we provide. On our homepage, you will find details of services such as radiator repair London services to name one. Do check these out and stay updated. 

Boiler Servicing and Maintenance

We believe that your safety and the safety of your home is of utmost importance during a boiler service or any other gas appliance-related work. Our customer-first approach is what has allowed us to build up a stellar reputation over the last decade. The only way to ensure that your boiler or appliance is functioning efficiently and safely is with regular maintenance and professional servicing, which are usually carried out annually. There are a number of reasons to get a yearly service.


How do I know if my thermostat needs to be replaced?

Firstly, it is crucial to determine when a thermostat needs to be replaced. To answer the question, how do I know when I need to replace my thermostat, it is necessary to find out whether your thermostat is functioning correctly. If it does not work properly, it is time to replace it. Here are a few reasons to determine whether it needs replacing. Analogue thermostats usually require you to slide a lever or turn a large dial to adjust the home temperature as you wish.

Although these thermostats offer basic service, modern digital thermostats allow for more accurate temperature control. More precise temperature control can save money on your cooling and heating bills. Additionally, analogue thermostats are usually older, which means they may be close to or past their life expectancy and would often malfunction due to old age. If you do want to learn more about a brand such as Tado, then read our blog on how to install Tado smart radiator thermostat.

Save up on your bills

A programmable thermostat can help save even more on energy costs by giving you more control over your temperature at home. Using these thermostats, you can program different temperatures for different times of the day or week without needing manual adjustments. You can save on heating and cooling costs by automatically adjusting your pre-set temperatures to your daily needs. Some more modern programmable thermostats even come Wi-Fi enabled, so you can set temperatures while out of the house.

One of your thermostat’s primary functions is to take temperature readings from sensors to see if it needs to tell the HVAC system to turn on or off. If your thermostat isn’t working, it might not register temperature correctly, and your HVAC system won’t heat or cool your house properly. If you think your HVAC system might be broken, use an indoor thermometer to check the temperature. If it doesn’t match the reading on your thermostat, you might need to get a new one.

Your Local London Boiler Company

We cover all of London - from Wandsworth to Westminster and Brixton to Bromley and everywhere in between. If you’re looking for a boiler service in London then you’ve come to the right place. Boiler Solutions is one of London’s leading plumbing and heating companies.


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How many years does a thermostat last?

They usually last approximately ten years, but this depends on the make, model and type of thermostat. With time, these systems age and a thermostat may stop working due to normal wear and tear, collecting of dust, wiring issues etc. The best time to buy a new thermostat is when considering replacing your entire heating and cooling system. When exchanging the whole heating system, you might upgrade your older thermostat for a more recent unit compatible with your heating and cooling appliance. HVAC systems usually last for around 15 years. We hope we helped answer the question – How do I know when I need to replace my thermostat?
